This project was designed and developed by the team of DDRL, Our Research Lab involves a unique business development unit to carry out functions within the real estate, construction, Engineering, and Energy industries. We serve to comply with international standards in project designs, as well as research and development of proposals, thus adding value to the bottom line. Our services include but are not confined to, research, concept design, urban planning, architectural design, financing solutions, integrated project solutions, and compliance with international standards.
3d Construction Printing (3DCP) Defines a Wide Variety of Technologies in Using 3-Dimensional Printing as The Main Technique to Fabricate Building Components. Alternative Terms Are Also in Use, Such as Additive Construction, Autonomous Robotic Construction System (ARCS), Large Scale Additive Manufacturing (LSAM), Or Freeform Construction (FC). These services not only help grow Dolmen Development Ltd UK but also benefit the group and the partners involved. This includes visibility in the market, adding sustainable projects, promoting green projects, and community involvement.